
Completed Projects
cut vinyl installation
Kona Impact recently completed a cut vinyl installation on a Mokulele Airlines plane. We applied the logo and the name. This job was especially difficult because of the rivets and the need to conform to them. This is the second time in one week where we were called to finish projects that other companies in...
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At Kona Impact we work with four hundred or so businesses a year. This includes off-island companies, some of the largest employers on Hawaii Island, and a lot of small, single-person businesses. At times I learn a lot from all my clients.  I also get to share a lot of what I have learned from...
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At Kona Impact, we like to do business with our clients the way we like to be treated when we are the customer. So, for example, we do not over-promise or misrepresent our products; that is, we don’t say our signs last forever (nothing does), and if a client does not have truthful information, we...
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At Kona Impact we deal with maybe 250 businesses a year. Most of the businesses are well-run and provide a good living for the owner. We look at many of them and say, “Good for them.” A few businesses we work with every year, however, are businesses we would like to own. Some are just...
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Need a ginormous poster, banner, or sign? We can help! Kona Impact has been making large signs, banners, and posters for years. We can do up to 51 inches in one dimension and up to 150′ (yes, that’s feet!) for the other dimension. So, for example, if you want a 4′ x 6′ banner, we...
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At Kona Impact we love working with entrepreneurs. There is nothing more satisfying than helping entrepreneurs–young and old–with the tools they need to succeed. We love to see hard-working people succeed and grow their businesses. One person we’ve helped recently is Jon from J-A’s Auto Detailing. When he came to us he had already attempted...
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One of the great things about working with local businesses is that we get work with some of the premiere service and product providers on the island. We can experience their professionalism, commitment to quality and truly understand who they are and what they hope to achieve with their business. It is often the case...
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Here is a vehicle we ‘blinged” with see-through window graphics. From outside the car–an awesome little Mini Cooper–there is a tiger on the window. From the inside looking out, visibility is not impaired. It’s see-through. Kona Impact can do see-through graphics on any glass surface–car windows and store windows. It’s a great way to use...
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Kona Impact is proud to announce two new releases–an app for Android phones and an app for ios (iPhone and iPad) devices. You can find find the Android app here and the ios app by searching “find coaches” on iTunes. Both apps can be found and downloaded on your phone or mobile device. Both are...
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Kona Impact is proud to see the launch of Find Coaches. This website is a directory website for coaches–not the traditional type of “coach”-soccer, baseball, etc–but a new and rapidly growing field of personal coaching. This includes Life, Business, Wellness, ADHD, Retirement and many more avenues of personal coaching. These coaches are for people who...
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