
COVID, Masks and Mandates: Kona Impact’s Choice

First, let me say that I’ve always believed in following policy and procedures that are supported by the current best understanding of the scientific community. Follow the science. Simple. To that end, I have been double-vaccinated and boosted. I used the highest-grade masks I could: N95. I kept my distance and installed several HEPA filters […]

Kona Impact Makes Metal Signs

We know that some of our customers want “forever” signs. This might be a special sign in the lobby or one that is outdoors. One option for this type of sign is to make it out of metal. You’ll often see these one rock walls for business properties and condos. The alternatives–wood, PVC, cast plastic–have […]

ideas concept

Random Thoughts on Running a Business

My city is small and living on an island guarantees a small market, but I will do my best to make sure that every potential customer in my location knows that I exist. I may not be the smartest person (that’s for certain), but I will work harder and longer than those who rely purely […]

local concept

Reciprocity, Buying Local and Living Local

I received an interesting message on a social media platform this week. The message was from a person I know through our children’s mutual activities and, in a more general sense as a fellow business person in Kona. It went, “ If you are going to order bulk cards this holiday season would you use […]

trust concept

Gaining and Losing Trust in Business Relationships

Trust is perhaps the most fundamental pillar of any business. Without it, your customers and clients will find others with which to do business. We all know what happens when we lose trust in someone in a personal relationship, and we can expect the same adverse outcomes in business. Yesterday, I saw a story of […]

cake shop

Advice to Younger Entrepreneurs

We are very passionate about entrepreneurism at Kona Impact. It is wonderfully exciting to speak with people about their business ideas and goals, especially younger entrepreneurs who may not have significant business experience yet are full of energy, enthusiasm, and ideas. Young Entrepreneurs Have Advantages New, young entrepreneurs have a lot going for them. They… […]

Two Companies in Kona Making a Difference

Many think of Kona, Hawaii as a sleepy tourism-dependent area on the Big Island. There’s much truth to that, but we also have some world-class companies here that have the potential to change the world. Blue Ocean Farms and Symbrosia are two companies that are focused on using seaweed as a food supplement for bovines […]