
March 2015
Kona Impact sells signs…a lot of signs. From foam core displays to semi-permanent building signs to temporary banners-we sell them all. Our goal is to always provide quality signs at reasonable prices in a quick and timely manner. This guide is a way to help you develop win-win relationships with your sign supplier. The most...
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Kona Impact has worked with hundreds of businesses over the years. We have worked with many start-ups and established business—big and small. While every business is different, for certain, there seems to be a common set of characteristics for the most successful entrepreneurs with which we work. The top Kona entrepreneurs… Have exceptional communication skills....
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Occam’s razor is an important and useful idea for trouble-shooting: if there are many possible causes, the one with the least assumptions should be chosen. In other words if there is a complex problem and a simple solution, go for that! Unfortunately, many confuse this for the “if I have no other information, it must...
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I saw this morning that 90% of Hawaii’s food is imported. That’s an amazing statistic for our islands. We are nearly entirely dependent on air and sea transportation and Mainland food growers and distributors for nearly everything we eat and drink. Even some things that we think are “Hawaiian” are not. Every bag of “Hawaii...
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We had a local business call the other day in a panic. Their website, which was not hosted or managed by Kona Impact, was gone. We quickly determined that the issue was relatively minor, because though they did not pay for their domain registration, and it was still in their registrar’s grace period. All they...
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I’ve been thinking a lot about customer service lately. As such, I decided to take one day, a Saturday, and keep a look out for instances of awesome customer service. I didn’t consider things like “thank yous” and incentives; I wanted to identify three businesses that do things that have little or no cost, ideas...
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At Kona Impact, we like to do business with our clients the way we like to be treated when we are the customer. So, for example, we do not over-promise or misrepresent our products; that is, we don’t say our signs last forever (nothing does), and if a client does not have truthful information, we...
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The vacation rental industry in Kona, Hawaii has two rates: “high” season and “low” season. The variation in room rates can be as much as 50%; that is a condo that goes for $200/night in February can go for only $100/night in May. The price of condos is elastic. Hotel, air fares and car rentals...
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