
April 2014
Business activity has definitely picked up in Kona in 2014. As a business that works with tens of small and medium-sized companies at any one time, we have our finger on the pulse of Kona business community. Winter 2014 � Good Times Continue Most of the tourism related businesses had a good high season: December...
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Understanding your supplier’s side of the issue is an excellent way to find a good workable solution.   Businesses, for certain, exist to make money. That is their raison d’être. Your supplier may be raising prices to achieve profitability, maintain profitability because their expenses increased or expand profitability. If she is not making money on the product or service she is...
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Spend any amount of time researching online marketing online and you’ll soon start hearing an echo, actually a cacophony of echoes. This is because many companies just repeat the same old information again and again. They read something on a forum or on another website, take the information as fact, and then repeat it in...
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Here is a very common conversation we have had over the years: Client: I’m looking for some ways to advertise local clients. Kona Impact: Well, there is online, print, radio, television and direct mail. Include building and vehicle signage, too. What have you tried? Client: I blew a ton of money on yellow pages ads....
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Read the title again; this is how NOT to succeed in Business in Hawaii! There are plenty of, “how to be successful in business” blog posts out there, so I thought I’d change things up and offer my understanding of why businesses fail in Hawaii. My perspective is that of an business owner who works...
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There has been a tremendous shift in how people are accessing online data. It used to be solely notebook and desktop computers. Now, however, people are just as likely to use their smart phone, including Android and iPhones to look for information and services. Most websites are designed for full-size screens. That’s the reality of...
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