
July 2013
“Times are tough. Business is bad. People can’t find jobs.” This is what we heard day in and day out a few years ago. “We’ve doubled our staff.” “We’re opening a new location and are looking for another.” “Do you know anyone who is looking for work?” This is what I’ve heard from clients just...
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Content, meaning words, pictures, or video, is essential for two reasons: 1) getting new customers to the website, and 2) providing information to those who do come. Nothing is more powerful than words on the page to be seen on the search engines. No content on your website equals no visibility on Google. We often...
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In the last post we looked at differentiation–developing products and services that are different from what everyone else has. Today, we’re going to look at advertising. Very few people will stumble upon your website. There are hundreds of billions of web pages out there. A new website is like a restaurant in the desert with...
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Many people subscribe to what we call the “Field of Dreams” view of online marketing: build it and they will come. In other words, a website will automatically attract visitors, and, those visitors will become customers. This, unfortunately, is seldom the case: websites, like physical stores (perhaps more so) require a lot of internal and...
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