
April 2013
Kona Impact is proud to see the launch of Find Coaches. This website is a directory website for coaches–not the traditional type of “coach”-soccer, baseball, etc–but a new and rapidly growing field of personal coaching. This includes Life, Business, Wellness, ADHD, Retirement and many more avenues of personal coaching. These coaches are for people who...
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Fear of making decisions and moving forward can be a business killer. Not taking action, whether it is a new online marketing campaign or buying some new equipment, will guarantee that tomorrow is the same as today. That’s right, no action guarantees that your status tomorrow will be the same as today. Don’t seek new...
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Remember the old days when THE place to advertise was the yellow pages? Businesses would take out huge, full-page ads, because, well, they worked. That, however, was in the early 1990s. Nowadays, most businesses do not even bother with paid yellow pages ads, because they are expensive and mostly ineffective. Some people say the same...
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Everything has a cost. This, most would agree, is a fundamental truism in business. The cost might be in capital (money), time (labor, money), or in opportunity cost (the cost of choosing one course of action over another). Paying with capital is pretty straightforward. The cost of a new printer, for example, is $XXX.XX. But,...
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We certainly do not claim to be a “green company”, but we like to say that we seek to reduce our environmental impact. Here’s what we do: 1. All green waste–coffee ground, filters, banana peels, apple cores, etc.–is composted and used in our gardens 2. Paper waste is shredded and used in our worm farm,...
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I couldn’t help but notice the other day all the new construction I have seen near our office in “downtown” Kailua-Kona. This is a good sign for the future of our our town, especially those who are doing the building and those who will be working. Here are a few within a few minutes of...
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Here’s another vehicle with see-through window graphics. Another way to get your business in Kona recognized!
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If you are a service-related business, especially one that drives around town, one of the best investments you can make is vehicle graphics. Simply put, a vehicle with graphics gets noticed, whether it is a vehicle magnet, applied vinyl or window graphics. Here is a window and cut vinyl install we completed a few days...
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