
June 2017
A few things in today’s newspaper caught my attention: 1) Governor Ige is likely to veto a bill that would have prohibited new fish collecting licenses, and 2) a story about how the recent publicity about rat lungworm disease might be affecting locally-grown produce. Both of these stories highlight what I call “existential threats to...
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A few weeks ago, I was in Los Angeles airport getting ready to board a flight back to Kona. The person next to me (clearly a tourist) sensed that I lived in Hawaii, so he struck up a conversation about things to do and see in Kona. His family had six nights and we going...
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Kona Impact has worked with probably more than 1,000 businesses in the past ten years. Most are small and medium-sized businesses, and large amount are startups, new businesses that in the very early stages. There are, of course, many things that need to go right for a business to grow and become sustainable. The products...
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Deep work is a concept that has existed since humankind has organized into societal units, if not before then. The idea is simple: the human mind is most productive when it can have long stretches of time to work on “big picture” problems without interruption. That is, the time that we can focus on the...
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As a small business owner, I spend much of my day talking with other business owners and managers of larger business. I have had this conversation hundreds of times: Business Owner: “How’s business?” Client: “Oh, we’re really busy. Putting in a lot of hours and everyone is working hard to get the orders out.” We...
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We’ve most certainly entered into another boom time in Hawaii. Home prices are up 50% or more since the bottom; the stock market is booming; tourism will see 7% year-to-year growth and unemployment is less than 3%. One builder I know has a three-year backlog of projects. This, of course, is good news for our...
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