
March 2016
The other day my 10-year-old daughter asked me what a “bait and switch” is. I told her it is when you are led to believe you would receive one thing and at the end, you might receive something of lesser quality or value. It’s trickery, I told her. At Kona Impact, we never want our...
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At Kona Impact, we love working with entrepreneurs! We love to see someone take an idea and make it a viable, sustainable business. We love to see people get rewarded for their innovation and hard work. It is, after all, what has built this country. We have worked with hundreds of businesses and have completed...
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Kona Impact has been helping new businesses for nearly ten years. We’ve seen some of the best ideas one could imagine, and, truth be told, some of the worst. Most businesses fall somewhere in the middle: a pretty good idea, but success depends entirely on hard work and effort acheter viagra 25mg. Here is a...
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The Elections seem to bring out complainers in all of us. So-and-so just doesn’t care about the poor/homeless/business owners/ middle class/elderly/children. So-and-so is self-centered/dumb/arrogant/myopic/naïve/ignorant. I hear these statements every day, and, to be honest, I get a little tired of the endless whining and grouchiness. While I can certainly be a grouch, too, about ten...
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We had a potential client come into our shop the other day. She is a local business owner who wanted to have graphics put on her delivery truck. At the end of the discussion we told her, in very polite terms, to go to another provider. We were just not a good fit for her...
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One of the most onerous parts of running a business is trying to get paid. In a perfect world, a business completes an agreed project and receives payment immediately. That is, of course, how retail works: you pick a product off the shelf, proceed to the checkout area, make payment and leave. You know own...
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It’s hard to imagine but it’s been one year since we have been in our current location, 74-5599 Luhia Street. Kona Impact has been in business nearly ten years, and this was our second move. We had no idea when we began 2015 that within a month we would be moving. We also didn’t know...
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