
January 2016
Wouldn’t you like to own a business where there is no competition? Better yet, wouldn’t it be great not to have to worry about competitors coming into your market? There are, of course, very few businesses that have such high barriers. In Kona, Hawaii some of the big barriers to entry include the following: Exclusive...
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I don’t find Washington politics that interesting, to be honest. I know I will have more effect on my standard of living by getting up every day and providing value for my clients and love to my family than complaining about what happens in Washington. I don’t feel getting all riled up about politics and...
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Kona Impact has been in business nearly ten years. We recently took a deep look at the kind of businesses that have been the clients that have kept us in business; we found that almost all are locally owned. This is despite the fact that locally-owned businesses comprise only a small part of our local...
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I’ve been online long enough to remember the famous 1993 cartoon, where one dog is talkingïto another dog. He says, On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. It’s an internet classic. The joke is that anyone can post anything online. Well, 26 years later and we still (and always will) have people who take...
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We did a lot of thinking last year about how we can help our community become a place where entrepreneurism thrives and locally-owned and operated businesses start, grow and prosper. We all know the numbers: very little of the money spent at big box retailers cycles through our community. We know, for example, that a...
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Last year, we did a lot of thinking about how we can help our community become a place where entrepreneurism thrives and locally-owned and operated businesses start, grow, and prosper. We all know the numbers: very little money spent at big box retailers cycles through our community. We know, for example, that a big part...
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A life well lived, a game well played: David Bowie (1947-2016, RIP) It’s hard not to imagine anyone from my generation, the one before it, and perhaps current generations, who has not been inspired and touched by a David Bowie song. For me, it was “Changes,” which I played incessantly as an early teen. It...
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I was thinking the other day about what conversations I have that are the most frustrating. These are the conversations I have several times a year, and they all have the same script. The entrepreneur… Realizes she is struggling with her business. Knows the business is important to her livelihood Has used several off-island, low-cost...
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