
April 2015
First, this idea is not mine. I heard these three words first at a Rotary Club of Sunrise meeting several years ago. It has stuck with me throughout the years as a quick and easy way to remember what my company has to give: time, talent, or treasure (money). I get asked at least twice...
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The reality in Kona is that the big box stores—Walmart, Target, Kmart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Costco—all have huge advantages over smaller, locally owned and operated businesses and stores. They have economies of scale, and strong distribution networks, and can fill our Sunday papers with advertisements each week. If you want to sell toothpaste, paper...
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We had two clients who own businesses in Kona express frustration with the sign code yesterday. One remarked, “Apparently the county doesn’t want me to be in business” after he was told he had to remove his small A-Frame sign from a place that was clearly not a safety issue. When a business owner says...
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Earth Day 2015 at Kona ImpactWatch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download I have to admit that we are guilty of not always doing the right thing when it comes to the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. I think our experience can be informative for other businesses in Hawaii and perhaps even provide some...
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At Kona Impact we meet a lot of entrepreneurs. We also see several “want-a-prenuers”, people who are always thinking about starting a business, but for some reason fail to get anything going. These are the people who have a lot of ideas, so many, in fact, that they will often come to Kona Impact and...
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Exceptional customer service is not a destination; it is a process of evolving and becoming better. I seldom see a business that does everything right all the time. At the beginning of this year, Kona Impact set out to improve all our processes, from our invoicing and billing systems to our project management and communications...
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A guy walks into his annual physical with his doctor. He says, “You know, Doc, I don’t have lot of energy, I can’t play sports like I used to and, well, things aren’t going very well in the bedroom either.” The doctor looks at his chart and says, “Well, you’re very overweight, and your blood...
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There are few places on earth that offer such abundant fitness opportunities as Kona, Hawaii. If you want to swim year round, we have a lot of ocean. Runners and cyclists can count on 320+ days of excellent running and cycling weather. (The other 45 or so are not bad either!). There are many golf...
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This blog post is no joke! Here are five foolish errors people make with the online marketing for their business: Not having a website! We all know that the internet is where people look for goods and services. It’s where we look for restaurants, plumbers and hotels. It’s where we make reservations, buy stuff and...
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