
May 2014
I used to start each university class by writing, “make misstakes” on the board. The misspelling was intentional. I wanted to encourage my Japanese students to push themselves to the extent that they would make mistakes. I would tell them that making mistakes in writing shows you are expanding your skills, and, when identified by...
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Pricing is always a challenge for businesses. In the ideal world (from a business perspective), prices are set high relative to costs and combines make a bunch of money. In the ideal world (from a buyer perspective) products and services would be priced slightly above cost, just enough to the keep the supplier in business...
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How do your clients or customers find you? Do you ask? One of the keys to successful local marketing, attracting and selling to people in your community, is gathering information about how people find you. One thing we do at Kona Impact is to ask every new client how they found us. Was it a...
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Business Leaders: What Sets Them Apart? We all have come across business owners who have an uncanny ability to inspire and lead. These are the business owners who seem to make effortlessly astute decisions and guide the business and its employees to success. At Kona Impact, we have worked with around 400 businesses over the...
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Signs basically have three main purposes: 1) give direction and location, 2) branding and 3) take an action. For example, a roadside sign for a taco truck might have an arrow, the logo of the business and “Tacos Two for the Price of One. Today only!” This accomplished all three purposes in one sign: direction,...
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Customers and clients often say one thing, but what they really mean can be quite different from the face value of their words. Here’s what they say, what they mean and how to respond. “If you help me out on this order (ie., sell it to me cheap), there will be many more orders in...
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