
May 2012
Kona Impact is all about helping local businesses grow. We love it when we can sit at a table with a business owner and develop a plan that will help the business become more visible and tell its story better. One recent Kona Impact project was a website for Jackie Rey’s Ohana Grill. If you...
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K.I.S.S. could be the tireless rock group, but at Kona Impact it means Keep It Simple S%^$#*. We say it just about every day, and the principle guides most of our design work. In essence, it means that creating complexity in message, design, navigation, story telling, signage or just about anything else should be avoided...
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There are a handful of restaurants on Hawaii Island that everyone knows: Ken’s (Hilo), Jackie Rey’s (Kailua-Kona) Huggo’s (Kailua-Kona), Sam Choy’s Kai Lanai (Waimea), Krua Thai Cuisine (Kailua-Kona) and TEX Drive In (Honoka’a). Interestingly, Kona Impact has worked for all these restaurants over the years. Recently, we completed a website for TEX Drive-In. Famous for...
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“There’s nothing to do!” “I’ll probably just sit around and watch TV all summer.” Summer vacations in Kona can either be a time to learn new things, a chance to explore Hawaii and meet new friends, or a time when kids “hang out”, get into trouble and generally waste the days away. One of the...
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