Whether it’s fishing on a million dollar fishing boat or fishing from a kayak, Kona offers awesome fishing for all budgets and types of fish.
One of the most anticipated fishing tournaments of the year is the Wee Guys Fishing Tournament in June. This is a unique tournament because it limits the entrants to boats under 23′, which basically takes the big, high tech boats out of the equation. The little guys, the “Wee Guys” if you will only compete against other similar sized boats.
The tournament is sponsored by the Queen K Tesoro. Kona Impact put together a simple website for the event.
The tournament is a great event in Kona. So, if you have a boat, get your friends together, get registered, and see you on the water! Go to�http://weeguys.com/ for rules and registration.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1217" alt="wee guys fishing tournament" src="http://konaimpact.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/facebook-boats-x320.jpg" width="427" height="320" srcset="http://konaimpact.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/facebook-boats-x320.jpg 427w, http://konaimpact.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/facebook-boats-x320-266×200.jpg 266w, http://konaimpact viagra chine.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/facebook-boats-x320-300×224.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 427px) 100vw, 427px” />