One of the great things about running a business like Kona Impact is learning about resources available in our community. After over four years in business, we have met with people from about every job sector in town. It’s hard to imagine any type of business with which we have not worked.
One area very close to our heart is health care, including physical and mental health. We are very well aware that there are great needs in our community for both and donate a considerable amount of time to non-profits working in these areas.
It is with the needs of our community in mind that we were excited to take on a project for a local psychologist, Dr. Deborah Chavez. Dr. Chavez’s was, like so many of our clients, a pleasure to work with on her website project. She was focused, detailed and her feedback was very constructive.
Some people think we prefer passive clients who agree with everything we say, and take the first thing we produce as being perfect. This is very far from truth; instead we prefer clients like Dr. Chavez, who take an active role in their project and provide feedback and direction that represents their true desires. In the end, after we launch a website, it is not our website, it is our clients’!
There are a lot of resources on Dr. Chavez’s website to learn about her qualifications and areas of practice. If you or someone you know is in need of a psychologist in Kona, Hawaii, get in touch with her.