Submit your TMT testimony

The Thirty Meter Telescope is probably the most contentious project in Hawaii. Both sides have made their points, and there is probably not a lot that is going to persuade someone to change sides.

As a parent, long-term resident, and business owner, I see the TMT as broadly positive for our community. I will not directly benefit from it, but I do know the children of Hawaii Island will lose millions of dollars in funding, mentoring, and science education; their parents, especially if they are Hilo-side union workers, will lose tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of wages; Hawaii Island will be known as a place that could have had the world’s top astronomy; future investment in sustainable technology will find other more hospitable locations.

I believe that the issues brought up by the opponents of the TMT go far beyond a telescope on 5 acres of land in the tens of thousands of acres of Mauna Kea. It’s complex, and no matter what happens, many will be disappointed

Anyway, if you want your voice heard, this might be the last chance. The National Science Foundation is accepting testimony and partly based on that, it will continue or discontinue funding. Here’s the link: