Kona Impact works mainly with small and medium-sized businesses. We are usually sitting at the table with the business owner or at least someone who works directly with the owner. We like this.
When we work with a relatively small organizations, we have a great opportunity to learn about where the business is and where it wants to go. It is also a great way to help a business owner focus on what is important and dispel myths about online marketing.
Here are a couple of online marketing myths:
Build it and They Will Come
This is the most pervasive myth with websites. Many businesses decide to go on the cheap and use a website template program or an unqualified person to make their website. Lo and behold, they can’t even find their website online, even when searching for their own business name after the site is online. The have a website but have no effective online presence.
Building a website, if done right, will help people find you. But, that’s if it’s done right. At Kona Impact, we plan the design, function, and content of a website before we even consider writing our first line of code. In other words, we know the goal, and how the website will be found online before we begin.
We do a lot of research before we write our first word. We know what people search for. We know how to get that information on a page of website code. We know what to do after a site is launched to help it be found.
Simply put, a person who does not have a deep understanding of online visibility is wasting his or her time and hurting the business’s chances of success.
Social Media Will Save the Day
So-called social media, things like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (among thousands of others) are just some tools to help a business be found, connect with customers, and, we hope, make sales. For most, however, they take a huge amount of time and have fairly poor results.
I always ask clients how many Twitter feeds they follow or how many Facebook accounts they look at each week. The answer is almost invariably none, one, perhaps, two.
Social media takes time, and the rewards are often small.
At Kona Impact, we certainly encourage our clients to set up a Facebook account, as it is another way for people to find the main website for the business. After that, blog, and write original, interesting content on your website. This is where you want your customers—on your site where you can sell them your products or services.
Just because something is all over the news, does not make it a good investment of time and effort.
The Kona Impact team has been helping businesses be found online for many years. We are a practical, results-oriented team that is on the side of each and every business we help. We are proud to match our portfolio, results, and credentials to any other online marketing company in Hawaii. Give us a call at 329-6077 to see if we’re a good match for your business.