
November 2020
We’ve certainly had a year to remember…or forget. The near end of 2020 is a welcome sign for many. We’ve all spent a lot of time anxious about our health, our community, and our local economy. With a huge dependence on tourism, Kona, Hawaii, has been hit incredibly hard by the pandemic’s effects on our...
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330 pounds We are excited about our new UV flatbed, direct to substrate printer that will be arriving soon. We will have capabilities that no other provider on Hawaii Island will have. Stay tuned for more details!
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business moat
One of the best defenses around castles were moats. Perhaps the most forbidden places in Tokyo is the imperial palace in downtown Tokyo. There are only a few bridges into the palace, and the rest of the area surrounding the palace has a moat. When I lived there, a person trying to cross the moat...
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2020 election
A few days from now, we might have a new president and a shift of power in the Senate. We are sure to have a new mayor for Hawaii Island. Everyone has an opinion about who they would like and which party they prefer. This post is not about who I would like to win;...
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