
April 2016
I reviewed a blog I had written at the beginning of the year—four months ago.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015) Here is an update on my ten predictions for Kona, Hawaii 2016. Undersupply of affordable home: No progress Homelessness an issue with no progress: No progress Marijuana use will increase significantly: No licenses for...
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I was hanging out with four business owners the other day, just sitting on a lanai and sharing thoughts about the challenges of doing business in Hawaii. One topic we discussed was clients and customers with whom we have conflict. We all readily admitted that our employees and we do make mistakes and it our...
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Kona Impact works with hundreds of businesses a year and has worked with thousands of businesses since its inception ten years ago. We have seen tremendous successes, some moderate successes, and, of course, several failures. In this blog, we love to share our observations on how to create and grow sustainable businesses in Hawaii. Here...
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We had a new client come in the other day and asked us about the turnaround time on our banners. We answered that it takes one or two days to have them in hand after design approval. She then told us that she went to one place in Hilo, where she lives, and two places...
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New employees of one of our clients came to us about 24 hours ago. They have a manufactured product that needed to be labelled in Honolulu 12 hours from when I write this. The labels need to be at the airport to be overnighted, so the whole turnaround times needed to be about a day....
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We complete approximately 35 sign projects a week. Those 25 sign projects probably come from 20 clients, so it’s fair to say that we deal with a lot of people and projects every week. The overwhelming majority are stress-free. Some, however, present challenges to our clients and us. After ten years in business, here’s what...
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Kona Impact is almost ten years old. We’ve seen the best of times when the stock market and real estate markets propelled an immense growth in business and personal wealth, and we’ve seen the worst of times when clients had a hard time surviving and were existing month-to-month. All of those swings in the economy,...
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I started up my tablet this morning and was greeted by “Lenovo – For Those Who Work” on the splash screen. Ok, not a bad motto, but on my tablet, which I use to watch many Netflix videos, it seemed a bit contrived and restricting. Nike’s “Just Do It” seems to be a near-perfect motto...
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