
August 2015
The modern internet is now about twenty years old. The internet certain goes back longer than that, but the web, the graphical HTML-based internet of which we are all familiar is about twenty years old. I have been building websites and doing online market for about 17 of those years. Like everyone, the one consistent...
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At Kona Impact, we ask a lot of new businesses to describe what they do, who they are, and how they are different from other businesses. The conversation often goes like this: Client: We will excel at customer service. Us: How? Client: We will listen to and communicate with our customers often. Us: So, can...
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We had a state holiday last Friday and the weather over the weekend made hiking and going to the beach inadvisable. So, we had what I would call three “rainy days,” days that are perfect for working on organization and long-range projects that seldom get done on normal business days. Here are five things I...
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Rake review
Most of Kona Impact’s clients have a love-hate relationship with social media and review websites. When they get a lot of positive reviews, they are, of course, happy. When a customer or client writes a bad review, they are not happy. When a competitor plays dirty, they are furious. How do competitors play dirty online?...
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Think about any sport you have played. Now think about how you became good at that sport. Your path to becoming good probably included about 90% participation, playing, and 10% “other”, which might include reading rule books and watching YouTube videos. Now think of starting a business. For certain, you need to spend time researching...
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I heard an interview with a termite tenting company on Oahu this morning. His business seems to be much like Kona Impact’s in that we are a provider of quality, professional services, and we almost never use price cuts as a ruse to get clients. The pest control guy had some great observations: Will the...
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