
June 2015
I just spent a few weeks traveling on the Mainland. I heard a lot of people say they wanted to move to “Hawaii.” Many think of Hawaii as one place. it’s not: there are several island, all with a different lifestyle, cost of living and job market. This blog focuses on real estate on Hawaii...
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There are a few things that I use every day to ensure that I stay connected, remember ideas and allow me to stay productive online. I thought I�d share them, as they are all great ways to improve your business productivity. My favorite recent discovery is Dashlane. If you�re like me, you have tens of...
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I’ve had some good chats with clients this week about their marketing efforts. Some were sharing successes, and some were looking for ways to reinvigorate their businesses and sales. The one thing that was clear is that good marketing takes creativity and sustained effort. Here is a list of opportunities that you might help your...
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Every business has to deal with unsatisfied clients or customers. At times, customers are irate and spewing all sorts of words, which they often regret, and at times the client just quietly finds another provider and moves on. As a consumer, I tend to take the latter approach; if a business does me wrong—at least...
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