
July 2014
I had a good conversation with a client about this the other day. He asked, “How much should I plan on spending on online advertising?” It may seem like a fairly basic question, but it’s not. It’s an excellent question, one that goes to the fundamental issues of business and marketing. One answer is that...
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Support Good Kona Impact is as busy as it has ever been, with multiple marketing and design projects going on all the time. We’re busy, which, of course, is a good thing. That said, it sometimes makes us too busy to take a step back and see the bigger picture of life. Life goes on...
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We made our first infographic today. These are a visual representation of data or text. Taxes were on our minds, so that was the topic. You can download the graphic here: Is Hawaii unfriendly to small business? Permission is granted to freely distribute as long as the graphic or pdf remains as is, unedited.
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“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore” Dorothy, girl lost in the Land of Oz “The more things changes, the more they stay the same.” Alphonse Karr, French novelist There is a constant pull, a tug of war, between the sides that argue Hawaii is a unique land, a place like no other,...
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We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July weekend. As we enjoy the beach, the BBQs and the fireworks, let us not forget the struggles of those who came before us to make the United States what it is today. By no means a perfect country, but by all means the best country...
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